

Desiree Timmermans

Desiree has 20+ years of experience in the Information & Communication Technology sector. She worked at Global Technology and IT-Consulting Corporations. 

It is Desiree's passion to help you grow your know-how about new technological innovations, and their impact on organizations, societies, and individuals. She organizes talks, builds communities, and brings together experts who share their knowledge and experience to help community members grow faster. 

Desiree holds a master's in Organizational and Administrative Studies from the University of Amsterdam.


Jelle Demanet

Jelle is a cognitive psychologist with a special interest in XR, measuring technology, and data science.

At Howest University of Applied Sciences, he founded the Human Interface Technology lab (HITlab) in 2019. In this lab, Jelle coordinates a multi-disciplinary team of educational specialists, psychologists, occupational therapists, game developers, and AI engineers to build and investigate proof of concepts of  XR applications in different fields, from design and manufacturing to healthcare and education.

In 2021 Jelle co-founded, which brings together the different XR stakeholders in Belgium.